Tuesday, March 30, 2010

IPV6 Configuration Script

copy and paste the following into 2 *.bat files.

@echo off

set DumpLocation=%1

if exist %DumpLocation%\isatap.dump (
netsh interface isatap set state default
netsh -f %DumpLocation%\isatap.dump

if exiSt %DumpLocation%\6to4.dump (
netsh interface 6to4 set state default
netsh -f %DumpLocation%\6to4.dump
exit 0

@echo off

set DumpLocation=%1

netsh interface isatap dump state > %DumpLocation%\isatap.dump
netsh interface isatap set state disabled
netsh interface 6to4 dump state > %DumpLocation%\6to4.dump
netsh interface 6to4 set state disabled
exit 0

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