Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Microsoft Project Code Named “Velocity” CTP2

“Velocity” is a distributed in-memory application cache platform for developing scalable, high-performance applications. “Velocity” can be used to cache any common language runtime (CLR) object and provides access through simple APIs. The key aspects of “Velocity” are distributed cache performance, scalabily, and availability.

Microsoft Download Link

Related Resources
“Velocity” Team Blog
“Velocity” Code Samples
Microsoft project code named “Velocity” Homepage
“Velocity” Documentation on MSDN

soon I try to make some comparsions between velocity and shared cache.


Anonymous said...

Although Velocity has made progress from CTP1 to CTP2, it still leaves much to be desired. It will be some time before they provide all the important features in a distributed cache and even longer before it is tested in the market. I wish them good luck.

In the meantime, NCache already provides all CTP2 & V1, and many more features. NCache is the first, the most mature, and the most feature-rich distributed cache in the .NET space. NCache is an enterprise level in-memory distributed cache for .NET and also provides a distributed ASP.NET Session State. Check it out at http://www.alachisoft.com.

NCache Express is a totally free version of NCache. Check it out at http://www.alachisoft.com/rp.php?dest=/ncache/ncache_express.html.

Sarah Williams

roni schuetz said...

i forgot to mention that i'm not allowed to write details about this story so contact him for further details, thanks roni

Shared Cache - .Net Caching made easy

All information about Shared Cache is available here: http://www.sharedcache.com/. Its free and easy to use, we provide all sources at codeplex.

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